I wrote this down on an index card years ago and taped it to the wall near my altar. It stayed there so long I forgot about it. I finally took it off the wall and read it again. Where did I find this? Who is the author? It obviously meant something to me at the time and I see why. I see why. As I read this, I know I have been through this so many times. So many times I have died and been Reborn.


“After the Destruction of the Tower. The Enslavement to the Devil. And the uneasiness of the Moon. The Initiate finally emerges into the Sun.

He has undergone the dismantlement of his personality. And has constructed a new one that is more Sophisticated. More Reflective of his inner self and more Effective. 

The inner self which in the past appeared to him as a dimly perceived Moon now glows as an incandescent power of a Sun” 


Author Unknown ~

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