New Fragrances For Spring 2023

New Fragrances For Spring 2023

So the plan for this Spring is to launch 5 new products over the next 3 months. That’s the plan, but my life is unpredictable these days. I am truly walking an unknown path. Living out both an Earth Purpose and an Otherworldly Purpose at the same time, I find myself falling behind on my own schedules and deadlines. 

I will launch the first new product at the beginning of April, two more in May and then the last two in June. That’s a good pace for me. I don’t want to give too much away, but I will let it be known that I have created a New Divine Bath Oil. I knew I had to create something new for those of us who need our Spiritual Baths. Especially since my Emerald Gold Divine has been discontinued for months. And the only thing my new bath formula has in common with EGD is the 24k Gold Infusion.

This is a Brand NEW out of this World Fragrance!

I’m talking us HIGHER! It’s time for us to go HIGHER✨

The World is changing before our eyes. It is important that we EXPAND our CONSCIOUSNESS while maintaining WELLNESS and a certain level of PEACE. The ride is getting a little bumpy and chaotic as the illusions slowly fall away. I am honored and grateful to be doing this work in these times. I will do it until SPIRIT leads me to serve in a different way. 

So I’m looking forward to this Spring Season and I’m excited for this new launch! We all have some Magical things to do right now😊 Happy Spring Ladies!

And Live Well Always🌹♾️



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