SPIRIT gave me an Instruction And I Listened. For the Last 3 Years I have worked HARD. Launching My Beauty Brand, Running that Brand Effectively, Delivering Channeled Messages To The Collective, Then On Top Of That I Publicly Gave My Life Testimony. That Alone Took A lot And Also Triggered Some Odd Occurrences. Honestly, Mediums And Channelers Are Very Much Taken For Granted. People show up to suck up all the information but those people aren’t around during the sleepless nights, the cluster headaches and all the other frequent aches and pains that come with Being An Open Spirit Channel. Then you take a little Time off and people feel some type of way. After Me posting over 400 Videos in less than 18 months..

The Audacity..

SPIRIT Said “Pull Back. For Now, Don’t Offer Your Voice To The World. Stop For Now. Hold Your Energy For Yourself Right Now. Just Rest.”

So That’s What I’m Doing…RESTING. My Shops Are Closed And So Is My YouTube. I’m Enjoying My Summer. Channeling Messages Still But Without Obligation To Speak it into A Microphone. No Obligation to Share. This Is Because I’m Obligated To No one In The Physical Realm. These summer days, I’m engaging in other creative hobbies that are Not For Sale. Not Open For Public Opinion. I document my Life Excursions On Paper now instead of Instagram and TikTok. I Write My Channeled Messages and also my personal diaries on Paper to Leave Behind as part of my Legacy. One day my journals will be found by someone. Once I’m gone and I no longer care, a complete stranger will find all of my journals and read them and decide what to do with them,  That’s Fine with me. My Legacy is set in stone.

I will Speak to the public again if one of two things happen. If SPIRIT Instructs or if I get hit with PURE INSPIRATION. It would have to be an Inspiration so strong that I MUST act on it.

Chaos is Coming To This World. Some would say chaos is already here. This is Nothing Compared To The Chaos that is Getting Ready To Hit This World. I would say get your houses in order…But I’ve been saying it this whole time. For the past 2 years..People just didn’t take me seriously enough. Maybe a little but not enough.

Until Next Time. Be Well. Back to the Spirit Realm I Go..Where shit actually makes sense🔥🧡

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